Overshadowed by your best self.
You are called to pursue. You are called to succeed. You’re called to tear yourself apart piece by piece until you become the best you, the REAL you.
But who is the best you anyways?
And who said there is only one BEST you and not a hundred BEST you-s?
It is a noble cause to seek to be a BETTER you.
But don’t put your enjoyment, your sense of ease, your life on pause because you are not yet the BEST you!
You are probably quite fine as you are.
You could be better, yes, but at any point in time, you can ALWAYS be better!
The best version of you does not exist!
It might be the best yet, but not indefinitely.
Chasing a version of you that has NO FLAWS is a delusional pursuit. An endless pit never to be reached.
Do seek to be better, but don’t make your chase for being the BEST cripple your CURRENT you.